*Copy and Paste to your local reps and national reps*
Dear Deputy/Councillor [their name],
I am writing to you in regards to the Barracks in Mullingar. The Barracks, as you are aware is now being used to house refugees and international protection applicants. Many are fleeing war and persecution and can finally reside in peace in our community.
However, last year, it was evident that perhaps residing at the barracks was not as peaceful as we thought. Instead residents of the Barracks were met with protests from people claiming to be "concerned locals", however not everyone there was local, they were also far right elements at these protests from parties like The National Party, Irish Freedom Party and the Ireland First party. We have been told by the government that we should ignore the far right as they won't win elections. But the far right have proven that they don't need a seat in the Dáil, County Council or Seanad, to influence people and inflict harm.
The anti-immigration group, camped outside the Barracks for months, with placards spreading misinformation about refugees and with vulgar slogans about our elected reps. They blocked food deliveries and humanitarian aid meant for the residents in the Barracks. This was reported in various forms of media.
We have seen in Dublin, that protests are not enough anymore for far right agitators, they are willing to burn our capital to the ground. Any hotels or buildings set aside to house refugees and homeless families are being burned. In Sandwich Street, even if you are an asylum seeker failed by this government and made to sleep homeless on the street, that doesn't mean the far right will leave you be, they are willing to burn the tents that these residents bought with their €38.80 a week, which is not a lot to live on.
We are concerned now that since a video went viral about the Barracks about all the modular housing, that the Barracks may meet the same faith of all the accommodation that has been burned down so far. In the comment section, there was people encouraging others to burn down the Barracks.
We ask that the government ensures the safety of the residents in the Barracks and for the government to protect the historical building. We also ask that the government does more to assist homeless families, we are currently in a cost of living crisis, even families that work can't afford to live in Ireland.
It is very clear that the far right are only using the homeless crisis for their own agenda, but that is no excuse for the government to sit on their hands and do nothing. No PR in the world can actually convince the people that houses in Ireland are affordable. In Mullingar alone there is a lack of rental properties, proving it difficult for locals to stay living in Mullingar.
Time is running out, we need protection for all!
Kind regards,
[Your Name]
Activist with Mullingar 4 All
Sorca Clarke TD (SF) - sorca.clarke@oireachtas.ie
Robert Troy TD (FF) - robert.troy@oireachtas.ie
Minister Peter Burke TD (FG) - peter.burke@oireachtas.ie
Joe Flaherty TD (FF) - joe.flaherty@oireachtas.ie
Minister Roderic O'Gorman TD (GP) - roderic.ogorman@oireachtas.ie
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